About Us
Thank you for taking the time to find out more!

The Home For Film
Home Labs began as an idea between 2 friends (Nick and Ryan) as we always knew we'd make a great team and both thought there was something special about analog photography that needs to be conserved. Plus we both just thought we looked better on film.
Nick had previously been a developing technician for a small independant lab and was currently working as an engineer in film equipment repair for labs around the country, so the next step was simple! Lets get some kit.

What next?
We started by purchasing a Noritsu V-30, which was then fully rebuilt to make a 20 year old retro machine the same standard as when it rolled off the factory line. Next we had to get a scanner and after some long deliberation (we really just like the sp-3000 okay) we settled on the Noristu HS-1800. This scanner was chosen as it allows us the most versatility to ensure the scanned image quality is perfect every time whilst offering lossless resolutions so you can edit your photo's at home!

Setting up the Business
Then we set about making this all possible the first thing we wanted was for this all to be possible contact free. So we decided the best way to the do this would be to provide our service using the post (with labels pre-generated and supplied to you guys).
We then had to build our site! Here integration was key, thats why we offer as many payment options a possible from different providers and have royal mail pre-paid drop off labels!
How Does it Work?
If you are interested in finding out more about what we actually do with your film when it arrives at our facility please click the button below.